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Inpatient drug treatment program ensures that the patient is closely monitored and never exposed to the substance of abuse in the instute
Withdrawal effects may occur to an individual that can affect her physically and Psychologically.
In WCF Motivational interviewing will often use to address addiction and the management of physical health conditions
Psychotherapy can be used to help a range of people.
Behavioral therapy helps clients to understand how changes in behavior can lead to changes in how they feel.
Cognitive therapy starts with the idea that what we think shapes how we feel.
A group therapy session usually involves 4-8 clients and one therapist. The participants have similar problems, and they benefit from the therapist, and by observing how others handle their issues and respond to feedback
Psychodynamic therapy, or insight-oriented therapy, focuses on the deep-seated causes of behavior.
In WCF 12 step program will use in the treatment of addiction. 12 steps Program are the core intellectual and spiritual content of AA fellowship (Alcoholics Anonymous) that outlines the program.
The “need to do something for recreation” is an essential element of human biology and psychology health.
A strong and regular system of follow up program will be devised for addicts leaving the foundation so that they may not resort to addiction as well as get permanently adjusted to a respectable life by earning wages/ salary. The followup activity will be there to help ex-clients to ascertain the recovery status and cater their mental health needs.
Support and guidance will be provided to clients for prevention of relapse, this will help them in reduction of frequency and severity of relapse signs and symptoms and overcoming hurdles in recovery. These comprises follow up programs, discussions and individual counseling sessions.
In WCF different behavioral skills will be manage during the period of treatment. Assertiveness Anger, helplessness and confusion that we all face while handling certain situations. Most of the time ends up making us annoyed as we are unable to communicate our feeling to the other end properly. We usually have no answer to this and things keep on going the same way. However the reality is totally different as where there is a will there is a way and hence there exist answers to such situations. The need is to make some appropriate changes accordingly in your life
Complete medical checkup before admission from our medical doctor and Psychiatrist.
We conduct bi-monthly workshops covering a wide range of topics that can help our mainstream population in coming over problems that they can face in daily routine life. We also share our workshops material on social media sites such as Facebook, we intend to involve wide range of population for spreading awareness. We also invite any questions and quesries on social media sites and will respond promptly.
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